Digital Mastermind

Based upon the original board game from 1970, this digital reincarnation made using a Seeeduino allows for single player gameplay and is much more portable. The display is a matrix of 88 individually addressable LEDs and is diffused by a 3D printed screen. Similarly the case is 3D printed and houses the Seeeduino Xiao which controls all operations across the system – from inputs, to displays, to game mechanics and even sound.

In Mastermind a four colour code is randomly generated and it’s your goal to crack it. As you input different guesses, you’ll receive clues in the form of coloured LEDs – either green or orange – which will aid you in your decoding.

Out of interest, I started looking at what it would take to have a computer guess a sequence randomly generated by a human ( it takes a lot ) and stumbled across this Mastermind code guesser: Mastermind Puzzle Solver ||

Mastermind Instruction Manual

Mastermind Case

Mastermind Source Code