Maker Portfolio
“The Maker Portfolio is an opportunity for students to showcase their projects that require creative insight, technical skill, and a hands-on approach to learning by doing”
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I’ve always been a kinaesthetic learner, interested in technology and mechanics, so have always been making things. From arts and crafts as a toddler to fully working car parts as a student. My project developments first properly took off after my 12th birthday when I received my first 3D printer: The Tronxy X1. Arguably not the best there is, but it did all I needed and further encouraged my passion in engineering.
Fusion 360
In 2019 I first installed a non-commercial licence of Fusion 360 created by Autodesk and have since been designing in the program, fully utilising the myriad of functions such as the threads tool – used in almost all of my projects.
Tronxy X1
This was my first 3D printer which I built with my dad from a kit – Initially the prints it produced where terrible however as a kid I was astounded. To this day I still use it and it works great.