1-Bit Audio Playback

No Surprises – Radiohead


  1. Find out frequency of notes using Frequency Chart
  2. Find out half of the wave period using the equation
    • Half of period(μs) = 500μs/ frequency(Hz)
  3. Create a function for each note where the delay between speaker on and off is equivalent to half of the period (μs).
  4. Find out how many times the wave needs to be repeated for the desired note length
    • Times repeated = Length of note(μs) / Wave period(μs)

Although this was fun to learn about, a function already exists to do this sort of stuff. tone(pin, frequency, length); creates an oscillating signal on a declared pin, at a given frequency for a set amount of milliseconds. There’s even a whole Arduino library called pitches which has predetermined the frequency of every note.

Links Used

Note Frequency Chart (Pitch to Note) (muted.io)

No Surprises – Radiohead Sheet music for Piano (Solo) | Musescore.com